Ft. Morgan Beach Update 08/19/10

Good afternoon friends!!!!  It is a beautifully warm day on the beach with crystal clear water and blue sky.  We have had rain every day for a couple of weeks and it is great to see the sunshine this afternoon. 
Ft. Morgan Beach Update 08/19/10
We are changing or video updates a bit.  Instead of a daily beach up date we will continue to give you beach information, and add in helpful hints, vacation tips, exploring area amenities, Ft. Morgan events and special happenings, and adventures with Tara and Katie!  If there is any information you want us to get out on video send us a message.  We will see you soon!

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 07/7/10

Good Afternoon everyone.  It is a perfect beautiful beach day.  Warm but not too warm, a little bit of a breeze white sand and clear water.  We see cleaning crews on the land and in the water making sure all is beautiful  for the visitors and locals alike.  Their are a handful of people enjoying the beach this afternoon.  We are hoping to join them soon!!

Unfortunately, Fish and wildlife packed up the sea turtle nest early last night, so I was unable to get a video.  I am hoping to get one for you in the future.  Until then enjoy our video today and we hope to see you soon!

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 07/17/10 from Sunset Properties

06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil leak Update from Sunset Properties

Good afternoon everyone!  It is another beautiful beach day.  There is a cool breeze and big waves today.  The water is still beautifully clear, and a few folks are enjoying the water, despite the ban on swimming.  People can’t seem to resist getting in the beautiful water.
06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak update from Sunset Properties
We wanted to let you know if you are considering coming down for July 1st we have a very limited number of Jimmy buffet tickets that we can offer with a rental for that long weekend.  Like I said we have a VERY limited number so when they are gone they are gone!  We hope to see y’all soon.

06/17/10 Ft. Morgan oil Leak update from the Dunes Beach

Good morning everyone! Sorry about yesterday.  I took the day off and the office was really busy and unable to make a video in my place.  I am back to day and things are just as lovely as when I left.  I spent a lot of time on the beach this morning talking to different families and people who are here.  everyone I spoke to is having a great time still the only thing they would change is a little bit of breeze because it is so warm.   
06/17/10 Ft. Morgan oil leak update by Sunset Properties from The Dunes Beach
The water is amazingly clear, I was able to see fish and seashells in the water from the shore.  the water has been so calm people are floating on rafts and getting great tans!  The kids are running through the water scooping up whatever creatures they see and taking a closer look. 

There is a clean up crew on the beach this morning.  They cleaned up some debris that was found with oil on it.  It was mostly seaweed and the larger seaweed plants that typically wash up this time of year.  The beach is beautiful, and there is absolutely no smell today.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach Oil Leak update 06/10/10

Good morning everyone!  Another beautiful day on the Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan.  The crowds are not huge but the people who are out are enjoying the beach.  I have a couple of videos for you one from yesterday afternoon about what people are finding on the beach and one from that morningWhat we found In the water and on the beach 06/09/10,  the Anderson Family were kind enough to let me film them enjoying the beach this morning. Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update 06/10/10  We see just a little bit of seaweed floating around but mostly I see kids and families in the water and having a great time.  We hope to see soon!

Ft. Morgan Oil Spill Update 05/21/10

It is another beautiful day at the beach!!! We wish you were here.  We have great reports for the weekend.  Come fill your lungs with some fresh salt air and work on your tan while you rest on our sugar white beaches.  Below I have posted the most recent update from the visitors bureau and some photos Tara took today, the water is amazing today. It is so clear you just want to jump in.  See you soon!!!

To date, no oil has reached the beaches of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, and according to NOAA, none is expected for at least the next 72 hours. At its closest point, the slick is still approximately 40-50 miles from the western end of our island. See the current NOAA map and forecast here. The Alabama Department of Public Health and Alabama Department of Environmental Management have stated that there is no foreseeable need to close beaches and, short of a drastic change, they have no plans to do so.

  • An erroneous e-mail has been circulated stating that Governor Riley had ordered the beaches closed. That e-mail is false. A press release from the Governor’s office verifying that the beaches ARE open was issued Monday, May 17th. Click here to read the release.
  • Although NOAA has closed commercial fishing in a limited area of the gulf between the Mississippi River and Pensacola Bay, there is a large area of the gulf still open. Charter boats are leaving Orange Beach, Gulf Shores and Fort Morgan every day to fish areas up to 25-30 miles out and in our inshore waters. To view a map of the closed area, go to https://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/.
  • All appropriate protective measures, including oil-absorbing booms, are being placed along beaches, bays, inlets, and sensitive areas in an effort to keep oil from reaching Alabama’s shoreline. National, state and local response teams are deployed at sites along the coast to deal with local effects.
  • We will continue to monitor the situation and post information pertinent to our local area at gulfshores.com and orangebeach.com as they become available. (Click the yellow link at the top of the page.)

May 11 Oil Spill Update!!!

Good afternoon everyone.  I wanted to let you know we have some new information from the CVB.  WE STILL HAVE NO OIL ON THE BEACHES AND NO SMELL IN THE AIR!!!!!  YAY!!!!!  We have gotten reports of tar balls, but we have not seen any on our beaches.  I am sure you have heard lots of talk about tar balls.  I wanted to give you a little information about these so you would be informed about what they are.  As I am sure you have noticed the national news ahas been rather deceiving about this entire incident putting everyone in a panic when very few places have had impact from this incident. 

So what is a tar ball????  I actually remember these from my childhood on the beaches in Pensacola.  Thes are the little pieces of tar that stick to your feet when you walk on the beach.  I was always told as a child these were from when the road broke up during the hurricanes, it is the asphalt.  It gets so hot on the beach and in such small pieces it just melts.    These also occurnaturally.  Without out lots of testing no one really knows where they come from.  I have vivid memories of picking these up and stepping on them as a little girl.  Some were hard, some were sticky, but we saw them so seldomly it wasn’t anything we really even paid atttention to. 

I am saying all of this to ease your mind about the latest news sensation.  These tars balls are nothing to fret about, but as always if there is a problem we will certainly let you know.  According to John and Tara no oil balls on our beach!!!!

 Check out the video they shot today

Oil Spill Update 4-29-10

Oil Spill Update 4-29-10, 9:30 a.m.

Like everyone along the Gulf Coast, the CVB is monitoring the clean-up of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We are relying on official updates from the on-site incident team as our source of information. .

  • According to local officials there is no shoreline impact forecast for Gulf Shores and Orange Beach for at least the next 72 hours. There is no official forecast beyond 72 hours.
  • BP is proactively placing booms at the mouths of bays, inlets and in sensitive areas all along the coast. This is a precautionary measure in the event that our area is affected directly by the spill.
  • State-of-the-art equipment is in place to respond if there is any movement toward any area of shoreline along the Gulf Coast and local experts are monitoring wind and water conditions. Officials in Gulf Shores & Orange Beach have a coordinated response plan in place if it becomes necessary for our area.
  • Official information is being posted by the response team (Coast Guard, Homeland Security, NOAA, Department of the Interior, BP and Transocean) and updated several times each day at https://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com and https://response.restoration.noaa.gov/.
  • Volunteers are not needed at this time and are asked not to self-deploy to the Alabama coast. Those with an interest in volunteering should the need arise, are asked to contact the state-organized volunteer bank by dialing 2-1-1 or 888-421-1266. This allows the state to contact volunteers if they are needed at a later date.
  • We will continue to monitor the incident and post additional information IF coastal impact becomes an issue.

Oil Spill Update 04/28/10

Oil Spill Update and Talking Points 4-28-10, 12:15 p.m.

Like everyone along the Gulf Coast, the CVB is monitoring the clean-up of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and relying on official updates from the on-site incident team as our source of information. The following are the most recent talking points we’ve compiled for our staff. We encourage you to pass them on to your front-line team and anyone else fielding questions about the spill.

  • There is no shoreline impact anywhere along the Gulf of Mexico, nor is any forecast for at least the next 72 hours. There is no official forecast beyond 72 hours.
  • The responders on-site at the spill have scheduled “a controlled, on-location burn to begin at approximately 11 a.m. CDT today—a strategy designed to minimize environmental risks by removing large quantities of oil.”
  • State-of-the-art equipment is in place to respond if there is any movement toward any area of shoreline along the Gulf Coast and local experts are monitoring wind and water conditions. Officials in Gulf Shores & Orange Beach have a coordinated response plan in place if it becomes necessary for our area.
  • Official information is being posted by the response team (Coast Guard, Homeland Security, NOAA, Department of the Interior, BP and Transocean) and updated several times each day. The site is https://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com.
  • We will continue to monitor the incident and post information IF coastal impact becomes an issue.

Local Up Date on Gulf Oil Spill

April 27, 2010

Local update on gulf oil spillThe CVB is monitoring official channels of information about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Following, are the most recently updated talking points we have provided to our staff. We encourage you to pass them along to your staff or anyone fielding questions about the oil spill.We will continue to post updates as they become available.

1) There is no shoreline impact anywhere along the Gulf of Mexico, nor is any forecast for at least the next 72 hours. There is no official forecast beyond 72 hours.

2) State-of-the-art equipment is in place to respond if there is any movement toward any area of shoreline along the Gulf Coast. Local officials have their own coordinated response plan in place IF needed for the Gulf Shores & Orange Beach area.

3) We will continue to monitor the incident and post information IF coastal impact becomes an issue…