07/02/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties

Sorry for no blog yesterday folks, I was off and they couldn’t make it down to the water yesterday between the rain showers and phone calls.  It is another stormy day in Ft. Morgan.  Tara and I rushed down made a video and hurried back because of the lightening hitting the gulf as we made the video.  We are expecting storms off and on through the weekend. We are still seeing tar balls and seaweed wash in on the big waves.  We have no odor and we still have a swimming advisory in place to not swim in the gulf off of our beaches.  07/02/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties  The weather has been much cooler lately because of the storms so the the folks that are here are really enjoying time on the beach getting great tans between storms. 

We do still have Jimmy Buffett tickets available for the 11th give us a call a for reservations!  We hope to see you soon!!!

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak update 06/30/10 from Sunset Properties

Good Afternoon everyone!  It is another stormy day in Ft. Morgan.  The storm hasn’t hit us yet but should any moment.  Just a few brave souls venturing out this afternoon the ominous clouds and thunder are keeping everyone off of the beach, enjoying pools and other attractions in town. 
06/30/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties
We do still have Jimmy Buffett tickets for the 11th and a few openings left for the Fourth of July weekend.  Give us a call if you are interested in coming to the coast !

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/29/10

Good stormy afternoon to everyone!  We have really overcast skies and a great breeze but we have a 90% chance of rain for the day again.  The waves are getting big, and bringing in a few more tar balls along with them.  The clean up crews are out in force with their big equipment getting everything beautiful again.  We are so grateful for their continued hard work. 

 We do still have some Jimmy Buffett tickets available for the new concert date of July 11th.  Please give us a call and book soon if you are interested in coming down.  See you soon!

06/29/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/26/10

Good afternoon everyone.  It is a stormy day in Ft. Morgan keeping everyone off of the beach.  With the southeasterly wind we are still having an impact from the oil leak.  We are see lot of seaweed and some tar balls wash in.  We see have clean up equipment ready for the worker to get back to work just as soon as the weather clears up.       06/28/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak update from Sunset Properties

We still have a few Jimmy Buffet tickets left give us a call for detail!  See you soon…

6/26/10 Oil Leak Update at The Dunes Beach in Fort Morgan

Unfortunately, our beach was impacted yesterday afternoon with tar balls.  However, we are ecstatic to say, “Our beaches were cleaned last night,, and as of this morning,, we are tar free!”  The weather is breezy and the sun is shinning. It looks like it will be another beautiful beach day. Don’t forget we have Jimmy Buffet tickets!! It will be an awesome concert on the beach ~ You need to come join us!!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBZc63CmjbQ

06/25/10 Ft. Morgan Oil leak update

Good Morning Friends!  It is another really hot day in Ft. Morgan.  Our beach has some dime size tar balls and a little bit of debris this morning.  We have absolutely no smell and we expect the army of clean up crews to come through and get everything cleaned up any moment!  Their are lots of folks enjoying the beach and even a few getting the water this morning.        06/25/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Up date from Sunset Properties

Don’t forget we have Jimmy Buffett tickets available for new rentals!  Give us a call for details.  We hope to see you soon!

06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil leak Update from Sunset Properties

Good afternoon everyone!  It is another beautiful beach day.  There is a cool breeze and big waves today.  The water is still beautifully clear, and a few folks are enjoying the water, despite the ban on swimming.  People can’t seem to resist getting in the beautiful water.
06/23/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak update from Sunset Properties
We wanted to let you know if you are considering coming down for July 1st we have a very limited number of Jimmy buffet tickets that we can offer with a rental for that long weekend.  Like I said we have a VERY limited number so when they are gone they are gone!  We hope to see y’all soon.

6/22/10 Oil Leak Update

Hi Everyone!!  Katie is home sick today so I took John Wesley down to the beach to make the video.  It stormed most of the morning so we weren’t able to get out there until just a few minutes ago.  Besides the water being a little rougher than normal due to the storms, everything looks great!!  People were swimming, fishing, lounging around on the beach, and splashing around in the water.  The rain cooled it off and there is a nice breeze…we are so thankful for that!! 6/22/10 Oil Leak Update