06/12/10 Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak update

Good Morning Everyone!

It was another early morning dropping off the Turtle Patrol, we have five nests on Ft. Morgan so far, and the season is just ramping up.  I stopped by on my way back into town to grab a quick video.  All is very quiet on the beach this morning.  No wind, which is strange, and just a couple of people the beach and water look clear and no smell still.  It looks like the Gulf shores shrimping fleet is off the coast keeping an eye on our beaches making sure they stay safe and clean for vacationers.  Thanks so much guys for keeping an eye on us!  They didn’t seem to be skimming but just looking out for anything that could be out there.  It is comforting to know they are out there.  It looks like another HOT beautiful day at the beach.  Hope to see ya’ll soon.
06/12/10 The Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update 06/12/10

Good morning everyone.  It is turning out to be a beautiful morning the temperature is not as hot but it has been a little overcast.  The beach is very quiet this morning Saturday’s are typically a big check out day for us so everyone is heading home.  There were a few people on the beach but it was actually really quiet.  I saw the oil patrol go bye, and the Coast Guard fly over, heard the waves and smelled the salt air this morning.  The water is still very clear, with the exception of a few sticks and some seaweed that has washed in with the big storms. 
06/12/10 Dunes Beach at Ft. Morgan, Oil leak update from Sunset Properties
I am sure all of you have seen the reports on the news that Ft. Morgan has oil on its beaches, it is  here in places.  The worst report i have heard is from Mobile street it is about 13 miles to the east of us.  this part of the beach is part of the Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge, I spoke with my good friends yesterday after the oil came a shore, they were out on that beach planting Sea Oats doing beach restoration when the oil was noticed.  It is breaking our hearts to see it on the beaches anywhere and at the same moment we feel so very blessed that it is not on ours. 

 It seems for now everyones prayers and the One who controls the strong currents coming out of Mobile Bay are keeping us oil free.  I’ll be back inthe morning.  Please call us if you have any questions, or concerns, or if you would like to visit and enjoy the beaches for a special rate!          06/12/10 New friends waving at me from the water this morning!

06/11/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update from the Dunes Beach

Good Morning everyone!  This is a short post today I am off, today but wanted to be sure you got ta video this morning!  It is shaping up to be another beautiful day, and I am sure the guests will be having a great time playing on the beach.  Check out the great video from this morning that includes those pictures of the wedding arbor that I promised.

I had a comment a couple of days ago about these videos being real.  Well whoever you are, they are real!!!! I am blessed to go down and make them each day and hope it is something I can continue to do after this event is over.  The beach is amamzing today again and we hope to see you soon.  If you are thinking of coming down give Becky or Tara a call, I am sure they can find you a great special for this weekend in on of the openings we have open!  Talk to you again tomorrow…        06/11/10 Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update video Katie From Sunset Properties at the Dunes Beach

Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach Oil Leak update 06/10/10

Good morning everyone!  Another beautiful day on the Dunes Beach in Ft. Morgan.  The crowds are not huge but the people who are out are enjoying the beach.  I have a couple of videos for you one from yesterday afternoon about what people are finding on the beach and one from that morningWhat we found In the water and on the beach 06/09/10,  the Anderson Family were kind enough to let me film them enjoying the beach this morning. Ft. Morgan, The Dunes Beach, Oil Leak Update 06/10/10  We see just a little bit of seaweed floating around but mostly I see kids and families in the water and having a great time.  We hope to see soon!

Ft. Morgan, Dunes Community, Oil leak Update 06/09/10

Hope you are all having a great day so far. It is again a stunning day in Ft. Morgan! We are seeing no impact from the oil leak today and we are completely thankful and continuing to say our prayers that it stay this beautiful. We do hope those of you have cancelled will consider reinstating your reservations if you are coming in the near future. The beach is more beautiful each day I go out and everyone I speak to on the beach, is having a wonderful time. Thank you for praying with us and hanging in there while we keep an eye on everything. Today I could see people swimming and fishing and playing in the water down the beach as far as I could see.  Tomorrow John and Tony are taking out the Kayaks for me, be sure to check in and see what they see.  As always please give us a call if you have any questions.  06/09/10 Ft. Morgan, the Dunes Community, Oil leak Update from Sunset Properties

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/07/10

Wow sorry so late to day guys!!!  It is a beautiful HOT day.  I will let the video speak for itself, but I did want to add something we didn’t talk about in the video.  Ft. Morgan Beach video update 06/07/10 from Sunset Properties I was on the beach for 1/2 an hour and did not smell anything but the salty breeze.  I have had NO reports of smells, fumes, whatever you want to call it at all, today.  We have had vacationers in and out of the office all day and everyone is having a great time and has a great tan, ( I, being of the pasty white color shade, am very jealous).  Keep praying with us, and please if at possible wait and see with us we would love to have you come and visit our beautiful beach.

People still swimming in the water 06/07/10

Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/06/10

Good morning everyone!  I got an early start this morning dropping of the turtle patrol for their daily drive searching for sea turtle nests.  I believe we have three so far, and we are all so excited about those three!!!  It has been a few days since I have been on the beach myself, we have been swamped in the office with phone calls form our guests who are concerned about their upcoming vacations.  It is all we can do to keep up with the calls, and requests.  

I am so glad I stopped and took the time to walk down to the water.  It is going to be a hot but beautiful day today and it did my heart good to actually see in person that their was still no oil on the beach instead of relying on the reports of everyone else.  The video I took is below.  We hope to see you all soon.  As always if you have any questions or concerns please give us a call, we are happy to help!!!

update from Katie of Sunset Properties on Ft. Morgan Beach in the Dunes Community

Ft. Morgan Oil leak Update, 06/05/10

Good Saturday afternoon everyone!  It has been raining off and on all day today!  It is Sunny between the showers though.  I know people have been coming and going from the beach all day and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. 

Karen made a video this morning out on the beach in between showers so you have an idea of conditions here. Sunset Properties Ft. Morgan Oil Leak Update 06/05/10  Our waters are closed until further notice for swimming but you can enjoy the beach, pools, and all of the attractions in Gulf Shores and Ft. Morgan.  Keep praying with us friends, so far our impact is very little and is cleaned up very quickly.  It is amazing really!!!  According to the head of the clean up crew we are having an extremely minimal impact in comparison to those to the east of us.  Thank you fo keeping up with us and we hope to see you soon!


Hey everyone. It is almost 7 on Thursday, June 3rd. I just got back from the beach in the dunes Community on Ft. Morgan. this Beach is about 2 miles from the end of the island by sand and a mile on the street. I got a report that we had tar balls on the beach. I wanted you to see what these are. However when i got down there, I couldn’t find any. The reports I got said they were from the size of a dime to the size of a Hershey Bar. I did take a couple of videos of lots of people on the beach and in the water, and of the army of workers that came to clean up these tar balls. From what we understand the majority of them were on the end of the island. We saw NO OIL!!!!! I will post first thing in the morning, about 7.

Vacationers Having Fun on Ft. Morgan Beaches, No Oil.

Ft. Morgan Beach, No Oil, Workers cleaning tar balls, vacationers in the water