You can’t plan for everything and often times the unplanned things are what turn vacations into memories that last a lifetime. So of my favorite beach memories are when things went a little wrong. As I child instead of catching fish I caught a fire worm!

This is not at all what we wanted to catch but it is the one of the most fun memories I have fishing. It still makes me love fishing. Not for the fight of it but for the beauty of what will come out of the water. It is always an adventure.
Then I think about the time I got sunburned so badly and the wind was blowing really hard so we got sand blasted too. But the water was perfectly clear and we could pick up huge shells we could see rightbelow us. It is always the crazy things that give you the best laughs or most vivid memories when you look back.

So how do you have the best most perfect vacation. My suggestions are do some planning but roll with the wacky unplanned things as well.
1. Plan an adventure or two.
2. Try some new or differnet food
3. Learn a little history
4. Be Brave, try something new don’t let fear hold you back from an amazing adventure!
5. Don’t count out the cheesy stuff The cheesy goofy tourist stuff is popular for a reason!
6. Also don’t count out the simple stuff. sometimes a day in the sun listening to the waves or just a walk on the beach is just what you need.
7. Mostly comfy shoes, and comfy clothes. ! night out in fancy clothes and uncomfortable shoes.
8. Family time is always a plus! Get as much as you can. Cook together, play together, adventure together!

9. Rest! It is no fun to come back from vacation tired and in need of another vacation.
10. Take some pictures and let everyone tell you their favorite parts of each day. Don’t forget to write it down.
Most importantly, if things don’t always go as plan try not to loose your cool. You are here to have fun. It is never fun for kids to see their parents yelling nor is it a great example to embarrass or belittle the person you are dealing with. Get to the beach make some memories! We’ll see you soon!