Gulf State Park; Future Plans and Updates

Recently a community meeting was held to present the final plans for the updates for Gulf State Park.  The community has been meeting for some time about the proposed changes to be made to the park with money received from the 2010 Oil spill that damaged the local wildlife and tourism industry.  Some of the ideas have been very controversial, some are extremely welcome and needed changes.  Overall the final plan appears to be s community enhancing project that will rival larger Nature preserves.

Some of the many changes proposed include rebuilding the Dune system in this area that is so protective to the island. A Convention Center will be added a little further back from the original conference center on the beach side of the refuge land. The hiking trail system will be expanded and part will be paved. Some of the streets in the park will be closed to cars and a tram system will be in place. The Camp ground will be expanded and improved. The golf course will be converted to an educational area, and much much more.

Take a look at the exciting future plans here at Gulf State Park IMG_1245